Monday, March 17, 2008

Big Accomplishment

So if you have ever watched me check my email, you will have seen that I had over 400 emails that I have never opened because they were not important or from anyone I know. On top of that I had about 200 emails that I had read and were just there taking up space. I don't know why I ever let it get like that but for some reason I did. So during my time being a receptionist today while the real receptionist was at lunch, I cleaned up my email account. I organized the ones I wanted to keep and deleted like 22 pages worth of emails. What a relief. Now we will see how long I can keep it organized. Kinda random I know, but I just thought I would share that with you all.


mccall said...

Brad- you need to get Gmail. It's the best thing that has ever happened to me. You can archive EVERY email you ever receive. That way, they are out of your inbox, yet you can still retrieve them. You should really look into it.