Sunday, March 29, 2009

Another Cold.....Honestly is this happening?

Why yes it is. It is the fourth time this winter season. The fourth time!!!!! During an average winter I will get the common cold once maybe twice. This year I guess I unknowingly decided to outdo myself and went to bed last night with number 4. I guess this weather doesn't help, the whole it is 75 and sunny to 30 and snowing like a motha. My perfect day of sleeping in, doing a little bit of homework, going to church and then dinner and games with some friends was put on hold for some other time. Instead it involved waking up every thirty minutes hacking up a lung, no sleep, locked up in my room, watching the entire third season of the office (no real complaint on that one) and overall feeling pretty miserable. I guess when I asked for a lazy sunday I should have specified for a healthy lazy sunday. Simply said, colds are lame.


mccall said...

I am sorry Brad! I hope you are feeling better today!!!

Chelsi Archibald said...
