Thursday, April 15, 2010

Law School

So I have had a few requests for an update on my law school situation. So here it is. It will begin with the schools I have been accepted to and their ranking (2011 US News and World Report Ranking, just out) and will be listed in preferential order. Then the wait listed schools and then sadly the schools who have rejected my sorry butt.

1. Arizona State University, Pheonix AZ, Ranked 38, $15,000 Scholarship
2. Pepperdine Universtiy, Malibu, CA, Ranked 52
3. Baylor University, Waco, TX, Ranked 64, $21,000 Scholarship
4. American University, Washington, D.C., Ranked 45
5. University of San Diego, CA, Ranked 56
6. University of Houston, Houston, TX, Ranked 59

1. William & Mary, Ranked 28
2. University of Utah, Ranked 42
3. Wake Forest, Ranked 38
4. University of Arizona, Ranked 42

1. Cornell, ranked 13. There goes Trebel
2. Washington University, Ranked 20.

Let me know what you think I should do.


Leigh said...

GO TO AU!!!! AU is an amazing school, and we'd be East Coast besties!

Missy said...

I'm leaning toward close to kidnappers=priceless!!! :) Wherever you go I'm sure krock will follow so you'll always feel at home!

mccall said...

i think you should hurry and apply to the university of pittsburgh.

Kelly said...

Pepperdine! Malibu baby!

Cristel said...

I think the ASU has a ranking of 38 and they are willing to give you a $15,000 scholarship. Not bad. But, really just go to whatever school will make you most happy. I am very proud of you Bradley. Very very proud and happy!!!